2023 Grant Recipients
In 2023, VHACF awarded more than $10,000 in grants and scholarships. Grants were awarded to a wide variety of organizations doing important work in health and human services, education, the arts, and more. Below are just some of the organizations that received funding from VHACF in 2023.

Hammer and Northeast Residences received a VHACF grant to provide enrichment opportunities for individuals living in their ten group homes.

A VHACF grant helped fund an innovative Lakeshore Players Theatre program that aimed to combat loneliness among seniors by bringing them together to read and discuss plays.

Solid Ground was awarded a VHACF grant to provide services to engage youth in activities that build self control, responsibility, citizenship, and other positive behaviors.

VHACF funds will help support the White Bear Area Food Shelf weekend food bag program, which sends nutritious food home with students on Fridays to help feed families on non school days.

VHACF funds will help make summer camp experiences accessible for all through scholarships.

VHACF awarded CLASS a grant to help fund educational sessions for local agencies supporting seniors in our community.

Merrick, Inc. will used funds from a VHACF grant to purchase art supplies for their new painting studio.

VHACF is a proud supporter of the White Bear Center for the Arts’ annual High School Visual Arts Competition.